"The whole movement of life is learning" (Krishnamurti). "To be an act of knowing, then, the adult literacy process must engage the learners in the constant problematizing of their existential situations" (Freire). "Once you learn to read, you will be forever free" (Douglass). "I can learn anything I have the desire to learn" (White, S.G.).

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

How does text affect you?

How does text affect you?

It is amazing how written words affect people. The responses on the blogs and responses in class have really helped me to analyze how I educated my audiences. Literary artifacts evoke a various ranges of feelings. How do we as educators ensure we are incorporating “what the text does to our audience” into facilitation if we don’t understand what the text does to our audience?

I imagine the authors of the texts we are reading may have written things differently if the heard our critical analysis first. It seems like the only option is to wait for feedback and make continuous improvements. Any thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shannon,
    My last blog post genuinely made me reflect on your initial question; not only on how it could affect me but my audience, my students. I have to say that I have heard things from students about their texts that I have not heard before, maybe not because they were not saying them, but it could be that I did not have a frame of reference of where they were coming from. Previously, I may have tagged their comments as being misunderstandings due to cultural diversity. Now, since taking this course and living through what my own students could be experiencing, I feel I have a better understanding of what the text is 'doing' to my students. Having that knowledge can lead me to present my classes differently at the very beginning of each course in order to embark into a more effective facilitation during the semester!


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts on this post. Diverse opinions are welcomed.