"The whole movement of life is learning" (Krishnamurti). "To be an act of knowing, then, the adult literacy process must engage the learners in the constant problematizing of their existential situations" (Freire). "Once you learn to read, you will be forever free" (Douglass). "I can learn anything I have the desire to learn" (White, S.G.).

Sunday, April 20, 2014

1-2-3 Project Paper

In our class syllabus, the requirements for the “Discussion Paper” paper area as follows:
“After your class presentation (and with the feedback you received from it), write a 5 page double spaced paper that attempts to theorize the findings from and conclusions to your mini study. This theory work should be based on readings and generative themes from the course, and authors should be cited appropriately. If appropriate, discuss implications for professional development and consider imaginative PD strategies that reflect the contextuality /de-contextuality of the strategy, as well as the ideological implications of the learning epistemologies.”

I want to share my understanding of theses requirements and my approach to fulfilling the requirements with the hope of soliciting feedback. 

First and foremost, I don’t believe we are expected to generate “new” theory based upon our 1-2-3 Projects.  After all, my 1-2-3 Project was a qualitative project based upon a very small sample size (9-interviews).  As stated in the “Analyzing Qualitative Data” paper by Taylor-Powell and Renner, “a qualitative approach seeks to provide understanding from the respondent’s perspective” and “the goal of qualitative work is not to generalize across a population.” (p 9).  Consequently, my interpretation of “theorize the findings” means that I will attempt to analyze my findings using the various analytical lens we studied during the semester. If I am wrong about this then please enlighten me.

Have stated my assumptions, I started my quest by re-reading Chapter 7, Implications for Theory by Dr. Judy Hunter in the of the Reading Work book.  My goal is to get an idea about a possible “framework” on how to “theorize the findings from and conclusions” to my 1-2-3 Project. 
The chapter provides a good overview of the two approaches to literacy we studied this semester, e.g. cognitive theories verses social practice theories of literacy.  Additionally, it provides numerous examples of literacy problems that are either “misdiagnosed” or significant issues completely missed when using certain types of analytical lenses.  Consequently, I hope to replicate this process in the context of my 1-2-3 Project.

Last but not least, I have started to review our past readings in general, and chapter 2 of the Reading Work book specifically (due to the many similarities to my project), searching for relevant information that I can cite to fulfill the requirement to “….theory work should be based on readings and generative themes from the course, and authors should be cited appropriately.”  

This is my approach. I look forward to any feedback.


  1. Bob this is excellent advice, thank you! I couldn't agree more that the work of theorizing has everything to do with misdiagnosis, or maybe we could say--superficial versus root-cause understanding. Thanks for you suggestion to reread chapter 7. I plan to do the same tomorrow!

  2. Bob, I think this is a great idea. I am doing something similar with my paper. I started my paper by examining the institutional assumptions regarding international student literacy and my own biases as someone who works in the field (I work so closely with this text that it was a challenge to separate myself). Now, I am delving into the findings and using the theories to understand root causes. I don't think I'm quite as organized as you are on this, but it's starting to come together! :-)

  3. Bob,

    Just wanted to let you know that this post has been really helpful as I've been working on my paper. Re reading Chapter 7 was very helpful!


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts on this post. Diverse opinions are welcomed.